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Thunderpole Am Pro Amateur Antenna

Thunderpole Am Pro Amateur Antenna
Price:  £18.95



The 'Thunderpole AM PRO' antenna is designed to operate over the phone portion of the HF band. Constructed of wound fibre glass coil with a stainless steel top whip.

Band MHz
4 Meters 70 MHz
6 Meters 50 MHz
10 Meters 29 MHz
12 Meters 24.5 MHz
15 Meters 21 MHz
17 Meters 18 MHz
20 Meters 14 MHz
40 Meters 7-7.2 MHz
80 Meters

3.5-3.8 MHz

A wider band width can be achieved with an ATU.

  • Power Handling: 250 Watts
  • Length: 2.50m
  • Impedance: 50 Ohms
  • SWR: 2:1
  • Whip: 17.7 ph Stainless Steel

   Made in Great Britain